Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sustainable Ideas...

There are several really exciting events going on through different organizations lately in Greensboro and surrounding areas with regards to the environment and sustainability. There are many ways to further educate ourselves in current eco-matters, here are a few that sound especially interesting to me:

The group Sustain Greensboro holds these great "Green Drinks" events every month. I have yet to attend, but am hoping to Wednesday Oct. 21.
It is a fun way to become acquainted with other like-minded folks with concern for our local environment and sustainability... having cocktails! The way I see it, you don't have to show up at your first quiet meeting feeling possibly a little out of place and awkward because you have not met anyone yet. :)

Wednesday, October 21
- Come check us out at the Green Bean Coffeehouse in downtown Greensboro (341 S. Elm St.). We will again be meeting from 5:30pm until about 7:30pm. Bring a name tag if you have one so people will know you are with Green Drinks. See you there!


Then there is the Sustainability @ UNCG committee:


To shape a legacy of ecological stewardship, social equity, and prosperity for future generations.


To identify and recommend responsible and sustainable practices in all aspects of our institutional culture, including operational activities, academic programs and community relationships.

They are offering a film series to shed light on the various facets of environmental dilemmas and ecological threats occurring all around us, everyday.

The next in the series:

Thursday, October 22, 6:30pm
Weatherspoon Art Museum

Presented by the UNCG Sustainability Committee, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Tate Street Coffee House, Sustainable Health Choices,the Sierra Club and Indelligence.
Weatherspoon Art Museum at Corner of Spring Garden and Tate Streets (UNCG), Greensboro, NC
336.334.5770, weatherspoon.uncg.edu, email: weatherspoon@uncg.edu

Addicted to Plastic

Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions.

Directed by Ian Connacher
Produced by Ian Connacher
Camera: Ian Connacher, Gad Reichman
Music Supervision: Oliver Johnson courtesy of the Hive
Editors: Martyn Iannece, Gad Reichman, Kevin Rollins

"A sobering must-see and needs to be shown at every educational level globally!" Dr. James M. Cervino, Visiting Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Department of Marine Chemistry

From styrofoam cups to artificial organs, plastics are perhaps the most ubiquitous and versatile material ever invented. No invention in the past 100 years has had more influence and presence than synthetics. But such progress has had a cost.

For better and for worse, no ecosystem or segment of human activity has escaped the shrink-wrapped grasp of plastic. Addicted To Plastic is a global journey to investigate what we really know about the material of a thousand uses and why there's so darn much of it. On the way we discover a toxic legacy, and the men and women dedicated to cleaning it up.

Addicted To Plastic is a point-of-view style documentary that encompasses three years of filming in 12 countries on 5 continents, including two trips to the middle of the Pacific Ocean where plastic debris accumulates. The film details plastic's path over the last 100 years and provides a wealth of expert interviews on practical and cutting edge solutions to recycling, toxicity and biodegradability. These solutions - which include plastic made from plants - will provide viewers with a new perspective about our future with plastic.


  1. Sounds pretty interesting. Water bottles are such and awful addiction that people have. There are so many great organizations around that people can volunteer with to do good for our environment. For all your Maryland Blog followers check out The Chesapeake Bay Foundation at www.cbf.org.

  2. There are so many great organizations around that do really good things for the environment. I have worked with The Chesapeake Bay Foundation www.cbf.org, they are really an amazing foundation in the Chesapeake Bay area.
